Supporting Action for Climate Change Mitigation
- The PMR provides support to prepare and implement climate change mitigation policies—including carbon pricing instruments—in order to scale up GHG mitigation.
- Serving as a platform to share lessons, countries work together to shape the future of cost-effective GHG mitigation.
Bringing Key Players to the Same Table
The PMR brings together more than 30 countries, various international organizations, and technical experts to facilitate country-to-country exchange and knowledge sharing and, as such, enables enhanced cooperation and innovation. To read more about this unique partnership and the actors involved, please visit Actors.
Fostering Momentum for Domestic Action
An increasing number of middle income countries are in the process of introducing carbon pricing and other innovative instruments to reduce GHG emissions cost effectively. While there is a growing box of policy options and instruments that countries can draw from to shift toward a low carbon pathway, tailoring these to each country’s unique circumstances and development priorities is a challenge. The PMR is one of the key platforms designed to specifically help countries prepare for such policy choices and future implementation, by focusing on improving technical and institutional “readiness.” To learn more about what it takes to be "ready" visit Country Program.
Pricing Carbon to Achieve Cost-Effective Mitigation
Pricing carbon through instruments such as emissions trading and carbon taxes is one of the cost-effective means to achieving emissions reduction. For this reason, a number of governments are incorporating carbon pricing policies into their mitigation strategies. The PMR is committed to helping countries design and implement carbon pricing instruments, including emissions trading systems, carbon taxes, and crediting and offset mechanisms. To learn more about how countries are using these instruments, visit Country Program.
Supporting Post-2020 Emissions Scenarios
The PMR supports countries’ efforts to establish post-2020 mitigation scenarios and identify packages of effective and cost-efficient policies—including carbon pricing instruments—to achieve climate change mitigation. Much of this support will facilitate countries’ work to prepare the mitigation component for their “intended nationally determined contributions” (iNDCs) under the UNFCCC process. More information about the PMR’s post-2020 work can be found on the Policy Work page.
Promoting Good Practice at the Technical Level
Through its Technical Work Program, the PMR promotes good practice and facilitates efforts to establish common standards and approaches for GHG mitigation. Drawing upon country experience, global industry experts, and in-house resources, the PMR Secretariat generates a host of knowledge products on various economic policy instruments. These resources also address technical elements related to specific instrument design; monitoring, reporting and verification (MRV) methods; baselines and benchmarks; stakeholder engagement, and others. Visit the Technical Work page to learn more.
Sharing Lessons on a Knowledge Exchange Platform
The PMR serves as a forum for countries to focus on sharing technical knowledge and experience in order to facilitate the design and implementation of innovative instruments to ramp-up GHG mitigation. To maximize these country-to-country exchanges, the PMR hosts partnership meetings, workshops, training events, as well as public events to help raise the profile of action within countries. Workshop and training topics are based on country need and focus on the technical components of various mitigation policies. For more information on how and when the PMR exchanges knowledge, please visit Meetings and Events.