Building a Community for Collaboration
Participant Led, Participant Governed
The participation and governance structure of the PMR includes the Partnership Assembly (PA), observer countries and organizations, technical experts, and a Secretariat, trustee, and delivery partner. See Actors and Role of the World Bank for more detail on the roles and responsibilities of these different actors.
The PA is the PMR’s decision-making body and is responsible for final decisions on funding allocation. While the PMR Governance Framework allows for the creation of a smaller Participant’s Committee to facilitate decision making, to date such a committee has not been necessary. Instead, the PMR functions in the true spirit of partnership and decisions are made by consensus.
The PA
- Provides strategic guidance for PMR operations and monitors its activity and progress;
- Endorses requests from Implementing Country Participants and Technical Partners to become Participants; and
- Allocates PMR resources and the annual PMR operating budget.
The PA meets a minimum of twice annually and is co-chaired by two representatives; one elected each from the Implementing Country Participants and the Contributing Participants.
PMR-Funded Activities
All Implementing Country Participans use PMR resources to support the design, development, and piloting of instruments to price carbon and/or create a carbon market. Some countries are ready to design the instruments themeselves, others are at a stage of capacity building. The work is formalized in a Market Readiness Proposal (MRP), a document that lays out planned activities, a timeline, and a proposed budget. The MRP is presented to the PA for feedback and decisions on funding. Visit PMR MRP Process to learn more.