Meetings, Workshops, and Events

PA Meetings
Technical Workshops and Meetings
Technical Trainings
Public Events

Webinars and

Apr 27, 2021
The 24th (Virtual) meeting of the Partnership Assembly Meeting (PA24)

Washington DC
PMR Perspectives series: Pricing Carbon: Looking back To move forward?
Apr 13 - May 27, 2021
PMR Perspectives series: Pricing Carbon: Looking back To move forward?

Oct 20 - 23, 2020
The 23rd (Virtual) meeting of the partnership Assembly Meeting (PA23)

Apr 21, 2020
The 22nd (virtual) Meeting of the Partnership Assembly (PA22)

Oct 22 - 25, 2019
The 21st Meeting of the Partnership Assembly (PA21) will be held in Berlin, Germany

Brussels, Switzerland
May 09 - 10, 2019
The 20th Meeting of the Partnership Assembly (PA20) will be held in Brussels, Switzerland

Buenos Aires
Oct 23 - 25, 2018
The 19th Meeting of the Partnership Assembly (PA19) was held in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and was accompanied by a technical workshop on Voluntary action under the Paris Agreement: its role in raising ambition, mobilizing private sector finance and supporting carbon pricing, and public event on Carbon Pricing and Argentina's Climate Policy.

Buenos Aries
High-Level Event: Carbon Pricing and Argentina's Climate Policy
Oct 23, 2018
The PMR held its 19th Assembly Meeting in Buenos Aires Argentina, from October 23 to 25, 2018. On this occasion, the Government of Argentina hosted a high-level event to discuss the opportunities and challenges behind using carbon pricing as part of a comprehensive policy framework to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in Argentina.

Buenos Aries
Technical Workshop 27: Voluntary action under the Paris Agreement: its role in raising ambition, mobilizing private sector finance and supporting carbon pricing
Oct 22, 2018
When considering voluntary action, there are important questions that policy makers need to consider, such as how does voluntary action contribute to the achievement of NDCs, how to account for any associated trade of emissions reductions, and how to design any program aimed at supporting voluntary action? This workshop brought together government policymakers and market participants to discuss these issues, and to broaden understanding of the benefits, challenges and approaches to voluntary action.

Kap Europa, Frankfurt, Germany
Technical Workshop 26: Getting the Message Right: How to Effectively Communicate Carbon Pricing
May 21, 2018

This workshop presented key principles and approaches for effective engagement on carbon pricing for both government and business communications. This workshop was highly relevant for intergovernmental and civil society communicators.

Kyiv, Ukraine
April 24-26, 2018
The 18th Meeting of the Partnership Assembly (PA18) was held in Kyiv, Ukraine. This meeting was accompanied by a Consultative Workshop on Design Options for PMR Successor Program, and a public event, Pathway to Achieving National Determined Contributions (NDCs): How LEDs can help countries advance climate action.

Consultative Workshop on Design Options for PMR Successor Program
At the request of the 17th Partnership Assembly (PA17), this consultative workshop was designed to provide an open forum to discuss the possible design of a PMR successor program.

Pathway to Achieving National Determined Contributions (NDCs): How LEDs can help countries advance climate action (Kyiv)
The PMR held its 18th Assembly Meeting, in Kyiv, Ukraine, from April 24 to 27, 2018. Prior to this meeting, the Government of Ukraine hosted a high-level event to showcase how Ukraine is currently working towards aligning its Low Emission Development Strategy (LED) with the commitment put forward in its Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC).

Tokyo, Japan
October 24-27, 2017
The 17th Meeting of the Partnership Assembly (PA17) was held in Tokyo, Japan, and was accompanied by a technical workshop on Tuesday, October 24, followed by the three-day Partnership Assembly meeting, and concluded with a public event on Friday, October 27, 2017.

Technical Dialogue - New Perspectives on International Cooperation: Carbon Markets and Climate Finance under the Paris Agreement
These two-day sessions were organized by the Partnership for Market Readiness (PMR) jointly with other initiatives on carbon and climate finance led by the World Bank. It was a sequel, built from discussions and technical workshops on scaled-up crediting and result-based climate finance (RBCF) held in Paris on May 31-June 2, 2016. The dialogue served to broaden understanding of the new generation of carbon markets and climate finance in order to support NDC implementation and strengthen international co-operation to achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement.

New Delhi,
March 20-24, 2017
The 16th Meeting of the Partnership Assembly (PA16) was accompanied by two technical workshops and a high-level public event. Implementation phase funding was awarded to India, while additional implentation phase funding was awarded to Chile, China, and Thailand.

San Jose,
Costa Rica
Paving the way for NDC Implementation: Analyzing Policy Option and Modeling
December 6-8, 2016
In this workshop, participants identify critical gaps and common challenges with respect to analytical/modeling tools and technical readiness at the country- and international levels; share and provide training on NDC-relevant analytical approaches and modeling tools; and further build a network for sharing experiences and perspectives on planning for NDC implementation.
Designing MRV Systems for Entity-Level Greenhouse Gas Emissions
October 4-25, 2016
This online course was aimed at supporting policymakers and practitioners in developing economy-wide or sector-specific GHG reporting programs that address national and sub-national priorities and objectives.
Beijing, China

Understanding China's NDC Ambition and the Role of the National ETS in Achieving It
October 21, 2016
This Technical Workshop provided an opportunity to discuss the findings of the report titled Pursuing an Innovative Development Pathway–Understanding China’s INDC, as well as to discuss the latest developments regarding the role of the ETS–as part of wider policy packages–in achieving the country’s mid- and long-term mitigation goals.
Hanoi, Vietnam

October 18-20, 2016
At the 15th Partnership Assembly Meeting, a decision for Argentina to join the PMR as the 19th Implementing Country Participant was taken. In addition, India presented its draft Market Readiness Proposal, while participants also had an opportunity to hear about the status update of the country programs. Moreover, the Partnership Assembly was an opportunity to provide updates and obtain feedback on the PMR Technical and Policy Analysis Work Programs. Lastly, at the 15th Partnership Assembly Meeting, the PMR Participants collectively initiated discussions on the next phase of the Partnership.
Hanoi, Vietnam

Strategic Dialogue on NDC Implementation and Policy Reforms for Low-Carbon Development
October 18, 2016
This event was an opportunity for stakeholders from Vietnam and PMR countries to discuss different countries’ NDC implementation strategies and the role of carbon pricing in the context of the NDC implementation.
Hanoi, Vietnam
Post-2020 Accounting: Implications for Carbon Pricing and Registries
October 17, 2016
This workshop provided an opportunity to further explore the concepts of accounting in the context of the Paris Agreement, as well as to discuss its implications for carbon pricing and tracking registries. Since, as part of the Paris Agreement, countries have agreed they will account for their NDCs and any international transfers of mitigation outcomes to avoid double counting, the workshop also discussed the implications of the emerging accounting system on the design and implementation of carbon pricing instruments.
San Jose,
Costa Rica
Regional INDC workshop
July 19-21, 2016
The PMR, in collaboration with the Ministry of Environment and Energy of Costa Rica, brought together policy makers and technical practitioners involved in the analytics underlying NDC efforts and discussed technical challenges and readiness gaps, shared NDC-relevant analytical approaches and experiences, and further built a peer network on NDC implementation.
Paris, France
Implications of the Paris Agreement for a New Generation of International Market Mechanisms
May 31 to June 2, 2016
This workshop focused on the current interpretations of the Paris Agreement relative to the scaled-up crediting and its implications for the ongoing and future capacity building and piloting initiatives. The workshop provided timely contribution to the discussions on how the framework of the Paris Agreement should be shaped over time to build a robust basis for international cooperation using market-based instruments.
Greenhouse Gas Data Management: Building Systems for Corporate/Facility-Level Reporting
May 4, 2016
This webinar provided an opportunity to discuss issues around the design and development of GHG data management systems that support industry reporting programs. The discussions were based on the recently-published PMR report highlighting the legal, institutional, and technical considerations associated with GHG data management.
Lima, Peru
April 26-28, 2015
During its 14th Partnership Assembly Meeting (PA14):
  • PMR Participants officially welcomed Sri Lanka as the 18th Implementing Country Participant
  • The PA decided to allocate funding in the amount of $3 million each to Jordan and Peru for the implementation of the activities laid out in their MRPs
  • The PA endorsed new criteria and a process to provide additional funding to Implementing Country Participants to complement existing activities in their MRPs and/or to carry out related policy analysis activities
  • The PA endorsed a process to "broaden" the Partnership and welcome additional Implementing Country Participants.

In addition, PA14 was an opportunity to review the Technical and Policy Analysis Work Programs and several other governance-related matters.

Lima, Peru
Green Growth, Nationally Determined Contributions, and Innovative Climate Policy Instruments
April 26, 2016
The PMR recently organized a number of events in Lima, including a high-level event jointly hosted by the Peruvian Ministry of Environment. It highlighted challenges and opportunities behind the use of effective carbon pricing policies in the Latin American region and beyond. Manuel Pulgar-Vidal, Peru's Minister of Environment (4th from the left), was joined by Michael Gibbs, (Assistant Executive Officer, California Air Resources Board), Irene Canas (Deputy Minister, Ministry of Energy and Environment, Costa Rica), Gabriel Quijandria (Deputy Minister, Ministry of Environment, Peru), Ivo Imparato (Program Leader, World Bank Group), and Marcelo Mena (Undersecretary for Environment, Ministry of Environment, Chile) to urge partners to get to work on analyzing the potential implications and opportunities of the historic climate change accord signed in April at the United Nations Headquarters in New York.
Lima, Peru
Implications of the Paris Agreement on PMR Activities
April 25, 2016
This workshop provided an important opportunity for the PMR participants, observers and the Secretariat to collectively analyze potential implications for the PMR stemming from the Paris Agreement. The deliberations at the workshop will be used to advance different work programs of the PMR including its technical, policy analysis, and in-country activities.
Policy Instruments for Low Emissions Development: From Design to Implementation
March 29 to April 12, 2016
This e-Learning session provided an opportunity for the participants to advance their knowledge on issues related to planning, design, and implementation of various policy instruments to scale-up GHG emissions reductions and foster private sector investment.
Zurich, Switzerland
Carbon Pricing: Latest Developments on Carbon Taxes
March 11, 2016
This workshop provided an opportunity to discuss the latest developments on carbon taxes around the world, as well as share lessons learned from their design and implementation. The workshop also discussed the role carbon taxes can play in achieving countries' Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs).
Zurich, Switzerland
Emissions Trading: Leveraging a Decade of Global Experience
March 10, 2016
This technical workshop was organized jointly by the PMR and the International Carbon Action Partnership (ICAP) and served as the launch of the ETS Handbook. The workshop was also an opportunity for participants to exchange insights gained and lessons learned on emissions trading systems over the past decade, as well as to discuss the practicalities of establishing and operating ETSs.
Zurich, Switzerland
Carbon Pricing: Sustaining the Momentum after COP21
March 8, 2016
This high-level event was an opportunity to discuss a number of overarching issues, including how the Paris Agreement paves the way towards an international carbon market post-2020, its implications for the design and implementation of carbon pricing instruments around the world, practical steps to be taken to enhance an international framework for collaboration, and the role of public-private partnerships in this regard.
Brasilia, Brazil
Post-2020 Mitigation Scenarios and Carbon Pricing Modelling
February 1-3, 2016
This workshop provided an opportunity for PMR participants to share lessons learned gained from the technical assessment work underlying countries' low emissions development strategies and INDC decision-making process, discuss common analytical challenges related to INDC implementation strategies; take stock of issues facing experts and policy makers when conducting carbon pricing modeling, and identify areas of support for the PMR policy analysis community.
Beijing, China
China's National Carbon Market: An industry-to-industry Dialogue
January 18, 2016
Jointly organized by the PMR and IETA's B-PMR, this technical workshop and dialogue brought together the National Development and Reform Commission, the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council, a number of international companies and China's leading state-owned enterprises, to discuss best industry practices and engage in ETS simulations. The objective of the event was to enhance private sector engagement and readiness on emissions trading in China.
Sweimeh, Jordan
October 28-29, 2015
At PA13, Alberta was approved as a Technical Partner of the PMR. The PA also endorsed second allocation of funding for Targeted Technical Support to Kazakhstan.

In addition, PA13 was an opportunity to discuss and obtain feedback on a number of PMR work program- and governance-related matters:

  • Draft MRPs from Jordan and Peru;
  • Progress of Technical and Policy Analysis Work Programs;
  • Follow up actions on the recommendations from the First PMR Independent Evaluation Report; and
  • Strategic directions and the next phase of the Partnership.
Sweimeh, Jordan
Carbon Leakage: Theory, Evidence, and Policy
October 27, 2015
This workshop provided an opportunity to discuss issues around carbon leakage – a phenomenon which occurs if differences in emission costs lead to the relocation of carbon-intensive activities and related emissions from more to less stringent jurisdictions. Structured around the main findings from the recently published PMR technical note on carbon leakage, participants discussed how these issues can best be addressed, drawing on experience from around the world.
Sweimeh, Jordan
PMR Insights on Post-2020 Carbon Markets
October 26, 2015
Building on previous PMR discussions held on the topic, this workshop provided a timely opportunity to review and take stock of the role that carbon markets could play in achieving different countries’ national contributions post-2020. The workshop also provided an opportunity to hear about the latest developments and options that could accommodate carbon markets in the Paris agreement, as well as their links with the readiness activities in PMR countries.
Hanoi, Vietnam
Vietnam Carbon Pricing Technical Training
September 29-30, 2015
This training educated officials on the characteristics and impacts of various carbon pricing options.
Sacramento, USA
Building Registries to Support the Next Generation of Carbon Markets
September 23-25, 2015
This workshop brought together experts and policymakers from various jurisdictions and organizations to exchange insights and lessons learned on the legal, institutional, and administrative issues related to registry development. The workshop was also an opportunity to discuss potential options available for countries to build robust registry infrastructure in support to the next generation of carbon markets.
Cartagena, Colombia
National Contributions: Challenges for the Implementation and Monitoring of INDCs - Latin America & the Caribbean
July 14-16, 2016
The objective of regional workshop was to gather policy-makers and technical experts from ten countries to share experiences and challenges in the development of their national contributions to the Paris Agreement. The workshop provided a platform for peer-to-peer discussions on issues related to challenges in management of information and monitoringsystems of an INDC as well as priorities identified in relation to the analysis of measures and instruments to support the implementation of an INDC.
Guide for Designing Mandatory Greenhouse Gas Reporting Programs
June, 2016
A webinar on the Guide for Designing Mandatory Greenhouse Gas Reporting Programs. Policymakers and government officials can potentially benefit from this guidance by utilizing the readily available insights captured here to develop reporting programs aligned with their domestic priorities.
Barcelona, Spain
Upstream Policy Analysis for INDCs: Approaches, Challenges, Opportunities
May 29, 2016
This workshop provided an opportunity to further explore the concepts of accounting in the context of the Paris Agreement, as well as to discuss its implications for carbon pricing and tracking registries. Since, as part of the Paris Agreement, countries have agreed they will account for their NDCs and any international transfers of mitigation outcomes to avoid double counting, the workshop also discussed the implications of the emerging accounting system on the design and implementation of carbon pricing instruments.

Barcelona, Spain
May 29-30, 2015
The PA welcomed a representative from Alberta to share details of the Alberta GHG program, received the first independent evaluation of the PMR, and launched a technical note on using international offsets in a domestic context. the PMR Secretariat provided an update on its activities related to crediting and on its strategic vision for the future of the PMR.

London, UK
Carbon Markets: From Current Practicies to their Role in the New Climate Regime
March 12-13, 2015
This workshop was a forum to share lessons from existing carbon markets and to discuss relevant issues for carbon markets under the international agreement. Day 1 focused on an enabling environment for effective trade and private sector engagement, with in-depth updates from California, China, the European Union, and the Republic of Korea. Day 2 provided an opportunity to translate these practical examples of markets into a number of carbon market issues under the international negotiations.

London, UK
May 10-11, 2015
The 11th PA meeting featured the presentation of South Africa's final MRP and country updates from China, India, Jordan, the European Commission, Germany, Japan, and the United Kingdom.

ETS: Using Markets to Promote Low Emissions Development
December, 2014
The overall objective of this course is to inform policy planners and climate change practitioners on the rationale behind emissions trading, how emissions trading schemes work, their key design elements, and the key roles and decisions affecting emissions-trading governance.

Santiago, Chile
Different Market-Based Approaches & Implications for a Future Carbon Market
November 6, 2014
This workshop provided an opportunity to examine different market-based mechanism being planned, designed, and implemented, and to discuss how a future integrated global carbon market could emerge from these mechanisms.

Santiago, Chile
Getting Ready for Carbon Pricing Policies: Challenges and Opportunities for the Enegy Sector
November 5, 2014
This event was organized jointly by the Ministry of Energy of Chile and the PMR. Featuring prominent speakers from Chile as well as from around the world, it provided an opportunity to discuss and share with Chile’s public and private sector stakeholders the latest developments on the interaction between carbon pricing and energy policies.

Santiago, Chile
Technical Meeting on Interactions between Energy and Carbon Pricing Policies
November 5, 2014
This technical meeting, organized jointly by the Ministry of Energy of Chile and the PMR, provided an opportunity for participants to exchange with international experts and private sector representatives on how pricing instruments and technology-focused policies can form a coherent policy package aligned with economic growth, social effectiveness, and mid- to long-term mitigation objectives. Issues related to the economic situation of the energy industry and cost for consumers were discussed.

Santiago, Chile
November 3-4, 2014
Vietnam presented its final MRP. California, Quebec, Australia, Chile, China, Indonesia, Japan, Mexico, and the United States shared information on their latest carbon pricing and market readiness work.

Washington, DC
Approaches and Tools to Setting Mitigation Scenarios
September 25-26, 2014
Experts from a number of PMR Countries, the World Bank, and other relevant institutions met to exchange views and compare methodologies used in constructing post-2020 mitigation scenarios, including the role of carbon pricing instruments in such scenarios. It also provided an opportunity to consult on various tools and a common framework that is being prepared by World Bank experts in support of the PMR's ongoing work on modeling and mitigation goal-setting.

Izmir, Turkey
Third Regional MRV Technical Training
September 17-19, 2014
The training session covered methods used to monitor emissions at the national and facility levels, and explored opportunities to enhance MRV frameworks in PMR countries, including NAMAs. It also reviewed GHG data management and registry infrastructure systems that support GHG monitoring and reporting needs, as well as verification approaches for countries to consider when developing MRV systems. Representatives from Jordan, Kazakhstan, Morocco, South Africa, Tunisia, Turkey, and Ukraine participated.

Policy Instruments for Low Emissions Development: From Design to Implementation
June, 2014
This course assisted policymakers, experts, and officials to plan, design, and implement policy instruments to help spur countries into a low emissions development path.

Bonn, Germany
MRV-ing GHG Emissions under Existing and Developing Pricing Mechanisms
June 3, 2014
The PMR and the Climate-KIC Research Programme on MRV jointly organized a one-day conference dedicated to MRV procedures and practices in carbon pricing mechanisms. This event took place on June 3, 2014 in Bonn, immediately following the Carbon Expo and before the 40th session of the UNFCCC Subsidiary Bodies.

Cologne, Germany
Technical Meeting: Carbon Tax
May 29, 2014
In response to growing interest in carbon taxes, the PMR Secretariat hosted the Technical Meeting on Carbon Tax to facilitate the exchange of views and discussions among countries that have implemented a carbon tax or are preparing or considering to do so.

Cologne, Germany
Preparing for Carbon Pricing Policies: a Business-Government Dialogue
May 27, 2014
In partnership with IFC and IETA's Business for PMR, the PMR hosted a half-day event in which business representatives and government officials shared their experiences on preparations for carbon pricing policies. Participants discussed the preliminary findings of the PMR on case studies regarding company readiness for the introduction of new carbon pricing regulation. The dialogue also covered opportunities and challenges for both business facing the introduction of carbon pricing policies, and on ways policy makers and companies can work together to best design such policies that ensure successful implementation.

Cologne, Germany
May 25-27, 2014
Colombia and Morocco received funding for their MRPs, while Brazil, Ukraine, and Vietnam shared first MRP drafts. Countries opened up on some of their carbon pricing work, including a carbon tax in Chile, emissions trading in the power sector in Mexico, and the latest on a national carbon market in China.

Mexico City, Mexico
International Experiences and Lessons to Inform the Development of Mexico's ETS
May 8-9, 2014
The workshop brought together international experts with Mexican policy makers and stakeholders to share information and discuss the key design features and lessons learned from ETS in various jurisdictions. The closed door working meeting was aimed to inform Mexico’s current plans and decision-making process on design options and challenges to develop a domestic ETS for Mexico’s power sector.

Mexico City, Mexico
Second Regional MRV Technical Training - Latin America & Caribbean
March 6-8, 2014
This training session focused on i) exchange of good practice and cases as well as capacity building for developing MRV systems of NAMAs in Latin America and the Caribbean; ii) explore potential similarities and key differences between MRV processes applicable to facility-level GHG reporting and NAMAs; and iii) discuss issues related to capturing the emissions impacts due to NAMAs within national GHG inventories and reflect this in national GHG reporting.

Mexico City, Mexico
Stepping up to the Challenges: Domestic Climate Action and Carbon Pricing Instruments
March 5, 2014
Mexico, China, South Africa, Brazil, the European Commission, and the United States showcased examples of innovative and progressive domestic climate action, including the use of carbon pricing instruments. Discussion focused on drivers and challenges to generate support for enhanced national action on climate change.

Mexico City, Mexico
March 3-5, 2014
Tunisia became an Implementing Country Participant. Thailand received funding to implement its MRP. Morocco and Colombia presented draft MRPs for feedback. Singapore provided insight on its climate change action, and host Mexico presented its Special Climate Change Program.

Mexico City, Mexico
Developing Domestic Offset Schemes
March 2, 2014
The Secretariat, with support from the government of UK, hosted a south-south exchange on the development of domestic offset systems. The workshop featured key developments in offset systems and plans for such systems, and provided a platform for discussion and knowledge exchange.

Marrakesh, Morocco
Stakeholder Engagement and Communication
October 22-23, 2013
Stakeholder engagement and communication play critical roles in building support for carbon pricing instruments. This workshop brought together representatives from industry, civil society, and government to share experiences on what has worked well and not so well.

Marrakesh, Morocco
October 22-23, 2013
Stakeholders Germany and Switzerland increased their financial contributions to the initiative. Indonesia received a funding allocation to support implementation of its MRP, and Thailand presented a draft MRP for feedback. In addition, Kazakhstan became the PMR's first technical partner and received funding to support the implementation of its national ETS.

Beijing, China
First Regional MRV Technical Training
September 23-25, 2013
This training workshop provided information and instruction on programmatic and technical issues related to MRV of GHG emissions at the facility-level. The target audience was PMR Implementing Country Participants in Asia.

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
South-South Exchange: Shenzhen, China and State of Rio de Janeiro
August 26-27, 2013
The objective of this workshop was to promote discussion amongst a diverse range of stakeholders on using market based approaches to promote low-carbon development in the State of Rio de Janeiro. To this end, the workshop provided first-hand insight from private and public sector experts with experience from a range of ETS.

Barcelona, Spain
May 27-28, 2013
Turkey received a funding allocation to support its MRP. Indonesia presented a draft MRP for feedback. In addition, representatives from Kazakhstan and Shanghai provided updates on their respective domestic emissions trading programs. The PMR Secretariat provided a modality for evaluation of the PMR's work.

Barcelona, Spain
Building Readiness for Implementation
May 26, 2013
This workshop provided an opportunity to seek feedback on various elements of the PMR Technical Work Program and to discuss the next steps in order to provide focused and systematic support to PMR countries.

Washington, DC
PMR Information Sharing: Emissions Trading in North America
March 15, 2013

Washington, DC
Policy Mapping & Effective Instruments for GHG mitigation in Urban Transport
March 14, 2013

This workshop provided an opportunity to discuss possible GHG mitigation instruments suitable for addressing mitigation from the transport sector. Countries and private sector representatives shared experience.

Washington, DC
Tackling Climate Change: Pricing Carbon to Achieve Mitigation
March 13, 2013

At this event, some of the fastest growing economies shared information on the status of their domestic actions and the role of carbon pricing instruments in pursuing their low carbon development objectives. A panel of representatives from countries and regions that are pursuing domestic ETSs as well as private entity representatives shared their views on challenges and opportunities in using market-based solutions to foster scaled up climate mitigation action.

Washington, DC
March 11-13, 2013

Chile, China, Costa Rica ,and Mexico received the first allocation of Implementation Phase funding to support work on their MRPs. Peru joined as a new Implementing Country Participant, and the U.S. increased its financial support. The Baseline Working Group also met to advance work on its Baseline Setting Guidance Note.

Sydney, Australia
ETS in Operation: Australia's Clean Energy Future Package
October 25, 2012

Sydney, Australia
October 22-24, 2012

Finland and Sweden joined as Contributing Participants. The Netherlands and Australia increased their financial support of the PMR. Peru expressed interest in joining as an Implementing Country Participant. Chile, China, Costa Rica, and Mexico became the first countries to present draft MRPs.

Sydney, Australia
Modeling Tools & Data Reporting
October 22-24, 2012

This workshop focused on two topics as they relate to policy formation: 1) modeling and analysis tools and 2) data management and reporting tools. Australia, Brazil, Chile, China, the European Commission, Turkey, and the U.S. shared experience.

Cologne, Germany
May 28-29, 2012

Marking its first year in operation, the PA allocated Preparation Phase Funding to all 15 of its Implementing Country Participants, following presentations from a final group of countries: Brazil, India, Jordan, South Africa and Vietnam. The PA also finalized criteria for the allocation of Implementation Phase Funding, which will be allocated to countries as they finalize Market Readiness Proposals.

Cologne, Germany
Baseline Setting & Registry Set-Up
May 27, 2012

This workshop highlighted key components of GHG baselines. Insights and critiques relevant for a scaled-up crediting mechanism were highlighted.The workshop also included an introduction to GHG registries.

Shenzhen, China
March 14, 2012

During an extraordinary meeting of the PA, Morocco became an Implementing Country Participant. Importantly, participants also discussed various options for allocating PMR funding in order to agree upon a modality.

Shenzhen, China
Domestic Emissions Trading Schemes
March 12-13, 2012

The purpose of this workshop was to inform policy makers on key features of ETS and to exchange lessons from existing and proposed ETS.

Istanbul, Turkey
October 27-28, 2011

Brazil, India, Jordan, South Africa, and Vietnam joined the PMR as Implementing Country Participants, bringing the total to 15. The Partnership Assembly endorsed the Market Readiness Proposal (MRP) Tool, which countries will use to formulate their funding proposals. The PA also endorsed a set of criteria for allocating funding.

Istanbul, Turkey
Mitigation Programs for Scaled-up Crediting Mechanisms
October 27-28, 2011

The purpose of this workshop was to explore technical issues associated with scaled-up crediting mechanisms using examples of concrete mitigation programs from different sectors in developing countries.

Barcelona, Spain
May 30-31, 2011

At its inaugural meeting, the PA welcomed China, bringing the total number of Implementing Country Participants to nine. All nine received funding to begin work on a Market Readiness Proposal. Morocco also expressed interest to join the PMR.

Bangkok, Thailand
Organizing Meeting
April 10-11, 2011

At the very first gathering of the PMR, 10 countries formally pledged financial support to the initiative becoming the first cohort of Contributing Participants (Australia, the European Commission, Germany, Japan, Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Switzerland, United Kingdom, and the U.S) and 8 countries were confirmed as Implementing Country Participants (Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Indonesia, Mexico, Thailand, Turkey, and Ukraine). Together these participants endorsed the PMR's Governance Framework and Rules of Procedure.